Use Lytix to manage your evaluation and usage diretly with the OpenAI SDK. Gain access to models across providers and manage your usage and billing.


Prerequisite First create a lytix account here

Create a Lytix API Key

Start by creating and noting down a lytix api key. See instructions here

Update your OpenAI SDK

With 2 lines you can start using Lytix to manage your evaluation and usage.

from openai import OpenAI

client = OpenAI(
  # Update your base url to the lytix proxy
  # Update your api key to the lytix api key
    # Move your openai key to the default headers
    "openaiKey": "$OPENAI_API_KEY"

🇪🇺 Note You will need to use if you are in the EU region.

Optional Fields

Optimodel supports a variety of optional parameters to help you get the best results.

response =
        "lytix-fallbackModels": ...
        "sessionId": "1234567890",
        "userId": "",
        "workflowName": "test-workflow",

You will need to use the optimodel-py/@lytix/client package to use these parameters.

pip3 install optimodel-py

The following optional parameters are supported:


lytix-guards: Pass in a list of fallback models to use

  from optimodel_server_types import LLamaPromptGuardConfig
      "lytix-guards": [LLamaPromptGuardConfig(
          guardType="preQuery", # You'll likely only want to guard the input here

See here for a list of all supported guards

Fallback Models

lytix-fallbackModels: Pass in a list of extra models to try if the primary model fails. This can be helpful in mitigating provider outages.

  from optimodel_server_types import ModelTypes
    "lytix-fallbackModels": [, ...]

Speed Priority

lytix-speedPriority: Pass in a speed priority to use

  "lytix-speedPriority": "low"

If set to low, optimodel will choose the cheapest possible model across all providers (for example if you have two providers bedrock and anthropic that both offer claude-3-opus, optimodel will choose the claude-3-opus model with the lowest price regardless of which provider is faster). If set to high, optimodel will choose the fastest possible model across all providers.


lytix-provider: Pass in a provider to use

from optimodel_server_types import Providers

Explicitly specify a provider to use incase you have multiple providers available for a specific model and want to force a specific one.

You can also track workflows, users and sessions to get a better understanding of your users and how they interact with your models.


sessionId: A unique identifier for the session.

  "sessionId": "1234567890"


userId: A unique identifier for the user.

  "userId": ""


workflowName: A unique identifier for the workflow. If this workflow does not exist, it will be created and can be viewed here

  "workflowName": "test-workflow"

Passing in Images

Passing images to any model uses the OpenAIs syntax. Underneath we’ll convert the syntax for the model you’re using.

import base64

# Encode the image to base64
with open("some.png", "rb") as image_file:
    encoded_string = base64.b64encode(
    encoded_string = encoded_string.decode('utf-8')

response =
            "role": "user", 
            "content": [
                {"type": "text", "text": "whats this image?"}, 
                    "type": "image_url", 
                    "image_url": {
                        "url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{encoded_string}"

Then you can switch to a model such as claude-3-5-sonnet and pass the image in with no code changes.

from optimodel_server_types import ModelTypes,

response =,
      # Same as above

Using Models From Other Providers

Beyond the models available on the OpenAI API, Lytix also supports a range of other models from different providers. Just add the credentials for the model/provider and you can start using them immediately.

pip3 install optimodel-py

Then just update our model field to the model you want to use.

from optimodel import ModelTypes
from openai import OpenAI

client = OpenAI(
    # Add your lytix api key
    "openaiKey": "$OPENAI_API_KEY",
    # Add any extra credentials for the providers you want to use
    "mistralApiKey": "$MISTRAL_API_KEY"

response =
  # Specify the model you want to use from the ModelTypes enum (Remember to use the .name attribute),
    {"role": "user", "content": "Say this is a test"}

Passing in Credentials

To pass in credentials for a provider, you can add the credentials to the headers. The following is a list of credentils you can pass in:

  • mistralApiKey: The API key for the Mistral API.
  • mistralCodeStralApiKey: The API key for the Mistral CodeStral API.
  • openaiKey: The API key for the OpenAI API.
  • anthropicApiKey: The API key for the Anthropic API.
  • groqApiKey: The API key for the Groq API.
  • togetherApiKey: The API key for the Together API.
  • geminiApiKey: The API key for the Gemini API.

Bedrock To run models via bedrock, 3 headers are required:

  • awsAccessKeyId: The access key for the AWS account.
  • awsSecretKey: The secret access key for the AWS account.
  • awsRegion: The session token for the AWS account.

Supported Models & Providers

You can see the list of up to date models and providers here and clicking “Available Models”.